The modern day so-called empowerment through Militant Feminism has become in it’s worst forms being proud to stay single forever, exposing one’s body for anyone to see on social media, and killing unborn-babies until a “career” has been fulfilled. Last but most certainly not least, deeming masculinity an official disease.
That isn’t even sexism. Sexism I can wrap my brain around from either gender, and honestly sexism as long as it’s not used to hurt anyone is usually interesting, fun, and most creative types are sexist from the female and male perspective. But this new wave of feminism blows the doors of just being sexist. It’s morally bankrupt, and socially fascist.
It’s success is directly connected to the failure of another gender. And not just the failure of men, the systemic reprogramming of society to believe the natural force of masculinity is a disease and must be stamped out. Akin to how Hitler felt about the Jews. Masculinity and femininity both have their flaws like everything powerful and natural, but an equal presence of both is far more positive than it is negative. It creates a natural order through a balance of hormonal influence. Our new young resistance generation is currently trying to dismantle the natural balance of things, per usual in the name of equality. Honestly going forward when I see the word equality get thrown around I’m now going to do a little reprogramming of my own. For now on when the word equality gets shoved in my face like an insurance commercial I know they really just mean Shallow Minded Fascism.
I’m done placating people who have no respect for the fragility of humanity and that use fancy academic words to sound nice, just so they can be listened to. Misguided or purposeful does not matter anymore, because either way the end result of this new generation’s ignorant revolutionaries will be a social justice dictatorship. Where the punishments, the laws, and right and wrong will change with every generational trend. Universal pillars of truth be damned. Honestly, that’s worse than an unfair tyrannical system that has a solid set of tenets, and beliefs.
Has there ever been such a post-modernist rebellion in the history of man? All revolts either by the people, or the heinous men in power have always held a core set of beliefs behind their cause. This new wave of social media rioters, and protestors from the militant feminists to the race revolutionaries claim to believe in all sorts of things, but when you take the fancy packaging away; it’s the belief in nothing. They claim to deeply want the creation of equality by stripping away society of all it’s old out of date racist, and evil social constructs. Ironically it’s those very constructs that give them the right and freedom to espouse their philosophy of post modern chaos. And, yet, if they get their way will the inverse be true?
Let’s play their game for a second and find out. Let’s just say for argument’s sake that all traditional aspects of society are racist, and evil. They take power, and look at tradition the way our current system looks at their chaos. We are now living in their new utopian world of nothingness that proclaims equality as gospel—they are in full control both socially and politically. How will they deal with the old? The people who will still clearly believe in the old ways. Will those people be able to freely express, protest, and riot for their ways of life if they feel as if they are being taken away from it in their new vision of society? Just like they are so freely able to do today to the point of committing crimes without consequence? Come on, we all know the answer. The old way thinkers will be unpersoned. Deemed evil and racist. In their futuristic United States of Equality holding old racist ideals would probably be enough for a prison sentence. Now I’m not claiming the old ways are inherently racist, but just say they are for the purpose of this mental exercise; a person should not be imprisoned for prejudicial ideas. That’s absurd, and that’s exactly what they want, without exception. They also want to be the judge and jury for what is deemed to be racist or not racist, evil or good, and right and wrong.
Which means they have no interest in equality. All the waves of militant left wing justice from feminism to socialism has always been about the same thing, just in different packaging. An ignorantly malicious singular focus of ideas in desperate need for an unequal result for the outliers of society. Sorry, but a vengeful unequal result for the outliers of society is called chaos. I root for no man, woman, or child not to succeed. Allow merit to reign free, and let he or she succeed or fail. But to go after the successful, and burn them at the stake for the sake of past sins of humans gone by, because life isn’t fair? No. I simply say no to it. I’m done trying to figure it out, or philosophize away the ignorance. It really just comes down to this one simple sentiment.
Go fuck yourselves already. Enough is enough.
A M E R I C A N // M A N I A C